A quick chop of the onion, saute until soft, add the crushed and roasted garlic, half of the red chilli, no need to add the seeds, followed by the sausage, minus its overcoat and brown, I gave it a good chop up with the spoon as I'm not a big fan of large chunks of meat in my sauce.
All that was left was the addition of the roasted tomatoes, an extra tin of plum tomatoes 410grms, I find the Coles red and white brand great, must be whole not diced though, deep red in colour, dense not watery, ideal and reasonably priced, great for me as I seem to go through a lot of them. I prefer Jonothan's chorizo but any quality sausage works well, different taste obviously, but good all the same.
I added a tin of water to the sauce, you could add stock, but given the sausage is already salted I find there is enough seasoning without adding more. After bringing it to a slow boil, I lowered the temperature and let it do it's thing, cook. After tasting I added a pinch more salt, about a half teaspoon of brown sugar, I think it helps if the tomatoes are a bit on the acidic side and a half teaspoon of balsamic glaze, well because I just like what it does to the sauce.
It was just about there, which was a good thing as I had a voice in the background asking me "Is it ready yet, I'm starving?" I heated up my trusty old pan with a splash of olive oil and tossed in the spinach, I like it cooked first, removing most of the water, then added to the sauce. It smelt good, looked good and best of all it was ready to go in just over an hour.
I was using what I had and didn't want anything to go to waste. This sauce could be made with just tinned tomato and garlic, no need to roast them. Peas are a great substitute for spinach or even tiny florets of broccoli. This is also a very economical meal as these quantities would easily serve four adults.
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